Torvalds turbocharges how your team uses your existing tools.
Add bidirectional conversation support.
Connect to Slack channels and Slack Connect channels to automatically create, track and close tickets for questions all with in Slack.
Connect to Discord channels channels to automatically create, track and close tickets for questions all with in Discord.
Microsoft Teams
Coming soon.
Augment ticket management systems.

Connect to ZenDesk to simplify creating support tickets and use it as a knowledge source, and augment it with automatic metadata tagging.

Connect to Jira as as a knowledge source to capture versioning metadata, deep product feature knowledge.

Github issues
Connect to Github Issues as a knowledge source, to capture deep product feature knowledge.
Automatically ingest knowledge.

Capture the knowledge in your public website.

Doc Sites
Capture docs can offer advice and identify gaps.

Learn from past tickets and commits.

Extract knowledge from tutorial or marketing videos.

Zoom Recordings
Learn from previous support calls and screen shares.

Discourse Forums
Learn from structured suppport message forums.
SOC2 CompliantAll data integration is 100% secure and SOC2 compliant.